Friday, September 7, 2007

Well I, like Terry, have been googling dandelion images too ( what a great resource!) and as I bought a new printer for fabric printing purposes this week I suspect some photo images might appear on my quilt. I get to spend two days at the Great Northern Quilt show this weekend so I will be looking for fabric/ embellishment inspiration also. Interestingly at Festival of Quilts I made a friend make me buy bright fabrics instead of my usual rusts but I declined all the yellows she suggested, whilst miming sticking my fingers down my throat - I'll have to try again this weekend I guess!

Also, I emailed a friend, Chris, who helps De Pickford to run my favourite quilt shop Midsomer Quilting (which sadly is three and a half hours away from me but I get to go twice a year when we stay in Bath) to tell him to check out this blog. He emailed back to offer their place as an exhibition venue for our stuff... At the moment I have a quilt in an exhibition run by him at a local museum in which he has 18 quilts less than one of the major quilt shows Quilts UK had this year , so he knows how to do an exhibition....... so get sewing girls!!


Terri Stegmiller said...

Wow, that sounds exciting. Now the pressure is on.

Françoise said...

Great! That's what I call "motivation".